Tuesday, 1 January 1991

A Diary. Christmas Hols

It's 1:30am and I'm watching an old Frankenstein film with Gene Wilder in it. It's quite funny. I'm also drinking some Kronenburg - some German beer. It's not very nice.

My name's Chris Young and I'm 15 years old. I'm writing this diary in my bedroom at my house, in the hope that I'll be able to read it in 10 years and laugh - har bloody har.

I'll write the rest tomorrow. G'night.

Hello again.

Today I didn't do much. I played against my chess computer - which kept beating me. I played some pool on my new slate snooker table Santa got me. Dad says I'm improoving but I still can't spell.

We played Pictionary in the evening - I won one game and lost two.

S is home. She and S played Dad and I at pool - we won 2-1. They're both staying here tonight so I have to make sure no-one sees this. They're downstairs at the moment.

I just found a Christmas card from Granny, containing £10, so I got £58 including a John Menzies voucher for Christmas.

I'll need to do my Christmas thank-you letters soon. I'll use S's typewriter.

See you the morrow.